Friday, 20 January 2012

Far and Away

I'm off to Punta Cana for a week, happy sewing all...

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


That title describes exactly how I felt last Friday.  I stayed up until--I kid you not--three in the morning to finish a quilt for my SIL.  Not that the baby will be here for two more months, but I bought a multistage gift  (everything from maternity wear to baby wear) and I wanted her to get it all at once.  And recall the day before I was feverishly working to finish this baby quilt.

This means that last year I made 6 quilts, and this month I've made two!!!

So, without further ado, here it is!

SIL's Baby Quilt
It's based on this tutorial.

SIL's Baby Quilt
I backed it with Moda Snuggles. Soft,
but messy and tough to work with.

SIL's Baby Quilt
Scrappy binding from piecing leftovers.

SIL's Baby Quilt
I did an all over FMQ design of big flowers.  They show up really well on the Snuggles.
As far as WIPs go, I have made this week's QAL block for the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL.:

Block #5
Not perfect, but I'm happy :-)

Blocks up to week 3
This one is the odd on out so far,
but I'm hoping it'll gel better with more.
I'm linking up to WIP with Lee at Freshly Pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Friday, 13 January 2012

I didn't know I had it in me...

So I posted pics on Wednesday of the two baby quilts that I'm currently working on.  I said I had planned to finish the one by Saturday (day of the baby shower).  Well, it turns out that Saturday is also the perfect day to have the other one finished!  So, my quilting self is being a little overwhelmed, but it'll be worth it. And I'll just do QALs and knit for a while after this!!

First, a finish:

Boy's Baby Quilt
With the angle it's hard to tell, but this is sideways

Boy's Baby Quilt
Fabric is Pure by Sweetwater

Boy's Baby Quilt

Boy's Baby Quilt
Close-up of the quilting that almost killed me.  I will find
another way to get a neat circular design--this was
absolutely draining.  And there isn't really that much.

Boy's Baby Quilt
Backing, brown and a tan/white gingham

Boy's Baby Quilt
My little label from spoonflower.  I think I need something spunkier!

The other one is still in progress--in fact, I'm taking a break from quilting it right now to post this.  Not going to lie my arms are sore.  Mainly because I chose to back it with the moda snuggles (or cuddles or something cute like that ) which, while soft and snuggly/cuddly, is not very slide-y in the machine, so it takes a lot more effort.  But, I'm doing a flower type pattern all over (that I got [stole] from Flo @ Butterfly Quilting) so it's going to be great.  And it's actually going pretty fast.  Anyways, here is was before I basted it and stuck in in my machine:

Baby quilt for SIL

Check out that cute duck tape!

Also, yesterday I did the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL. blocks for the week.

Week 2 Blocks

And, I picked out fabrics for the Sparkle QAL.

Sparkle QAL

Whew.  That's a ton of pics.  I'll be linking up to Finish it up Friday with crazymomquilts and Sew & Tell with amylouwho.  And when the day comes, I'll link to Sew Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations and Manic Monday at Sew Happy Geek.  Happy Friday!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

WIP Wednesday

I just came off of my last night, and to tell the truth--I didn't realize it was Wednesday for a long time!

I also see, looking back, that I didn't actually share any of my WIPs last Wednesday.  Oops.  So, here they are:

Baby quilt for Nicole
For my future SIL, this is for her baby girl to be.  I just need to add sashing in
between the rows and the quilt top will be finished.

Baby Quilt for Lucille
A baby quilt for a co-worker's baby shower.  I guess it's a little bit more
modern, and a little less 'cutesy'
Aside from those two, I also have my Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL. (button on the right)  blocks.  

Sew Happy QAL wk. 1

I haven't made the blocks from this week yet.  Rather, today was spent with my SO cleaning our house.  What a good day it was!!  After it was all over then I basted the one quilt, and tomorrow I will tackle the quilting.  It needs to be done by Saturday--my first quilt on a timeline!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday with everyone else!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Saturday, 7 January 2012

QAL Blocks

As per one of my goals for the year, I have joined a quilt along!  This particular quilt along is the Sew. Happy. QAL. hosted by the Sew Happy Geek.  The first two block tutorials have been posted and there are some awesome blocks being posted up--it's not too late to join!!

Here's my contribution for the week:

Sew Happy QAL wk. 1

I'm trying to step outside my usual zone (well, from the 6 quilts that I've made!), and I'm doing this one all in solids.  I have a kona solids FQ bundle in the yellow colour way.  I'm using ash from connecting threads as a background, and the odd bit of white.  Interested to see how it will all pan out!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Fresh Sewing/Small Blog

A new year, a new adventure.  Or something to that effect!

Looking back on this year, it has been great.  I started quilting in Feb/March, pretty much on a whim.  I LOVE it.  It is the perfect hobby for me, and really works well for my lifestyle.  I finished my degree in nursing, started a new job, and life is really taking off.

When I first started blogging, I was using Photobucket.  Turns out that flickr way rocks.  So, the first mosaic will be from Photobucket, and it will include everything up until Dec (minus a few small projects I won't bother showing).

1. Flannel Baby Quilt 2. Wall Hanging 3. Postage Stamps Quilt 4. Ironing Board Cover 5. Table Runner
6. Heated Rice Bag 7. Zig-Zag Baby Quilt 8. Fantabulous Fandango Quilt 9. Pat's 9 Patch

I've managed to somehow gain a few followers, and I hope that you all have enjoyed what I share.  I definitely enjoy reading other blogs, and due to wanting to follow everyone, I dedicate a fair chunk of time to it!!  I've learned so much from blogs and tutorials, which is helpful as I live pretty much in the middle of nowhere and advice is hard to come by!

Here is my work for December:

Dec '11 Finishes
Starry Eyed Quilt, Bags, Bag
This year I have a few goals:
  • Finish a quilt for my parents and sisters
  • Participate in a few bees/swaps
  • Expand my FMQ repertoire 
So, here's to 2012!

I've linked up to the Small Blog Meet and Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts.  Thanks for stopping by and make sure you check out the beautiful things everyone is making!

Fresh Sewing Day

Small Blog Meet

Last finish of 2011

I have been a little bit slow in getting this up, but I guess I was just busy with life.  Although it took me over an hour to catch up with my blog readings, so maybe in the future I won't stay away so long!!

Anyways, I will finally share my finished Starry Eyed quilt, made from a tutorial by Angela at fussycut.  I absolutely fell in love with this quilt the moment I saw it, and I am so excited to have it all finished!!  Today was a lovely day here, so before I embarked on a snowshoeing adventure, I took the quilt outside for a photo-op.

Thing is, it was almost too sunny!  Anyways, here it is:

Starry Eyed Quilt
Dog shadow courtesy of Duke

Starry Eyed Quilt
I just sort of threw it on a tree

Starry Eyed Quilt
Love me some striped binding!

Starry Eyed Quilt
Close-up of some hand quilting

Starry Eyed Quilt
I used a different backing than the tutorial.   I had wanted to use red thread on the back, but
I didn't want it to show through the top as happens on occasion, so white it is!

Starry Eyed Quilt
Show off the quilting a bit :-)
In these pictures it's not washed, because I figured just in case it got dirty outside, I may as well just wait until after.  I'm so proud of this one, and it was a great way to finish the year!

I'll be linking this post up to WIP Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced, Sew & Tell with amylouwho and Finish it Up Friday at crazymomquilts.  Here's to 2012!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced